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Ireland, Ireland : Classification : Census

Census records allow you to view other family members who were present on the day of the census, typically these will be siblings or parents.

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Classification:Baptisms, Census, Deaths, Marriages, Monumental Inscriptions, Parish Records, Wills / Probate
Title:A Little Bit of Ireland
Description:A Little Bit of Ireland - Celtic Cousins
Classification:Census, National
Title:British Surnames
Description:Research the origins and distribution of your surname
Extra Info:Information on similar surnames, most common surnames, surname distribution maps as well as surname meanings and etymologies.
Title:Census and Land Substitutes for Ireland
Description:Find My Past's Census and Land Substitutes
Extra Info:Census and substitutes contains some of the census data that has survived (dating from 1749), as well as electoral registers.
Title:Census of Ireland
Link:Census of Ireland
Description:National Archives - Census of Ireland
Extra Info:Census of Ireland 1901/1911 and Census fragments and substitutes, 1821-51
Classification:Baptisms, Births, Burials / Cremations, Census, Deaths, Marriages, Monumental Inscriptions
Title:Connors Genealogy Pages
Description:Connors Genealogy Pages
Title:Defence Forces Ireland
Description:Military Archives Irleand
Extra Info:Includes a 1922 Irish Army Census
Classification:Births, Census, Deaths, Marriages
Title:Emerald Ancestors - Irish Ancestry Search – Start your Northern Irish Family Research
Description:Emerald Ancestors - Irish Ancestry Search – Start your Northern Irish Family Research
Classification:Baptisms, Births, Census, Deaths, Marriages, One Name Study
Title:FOY's genealogy
Description:FOY and FOYE in Ireland and England
Extra Info:This is an archived copy of a site that is no longer active. Most information still seems to be available.
Classification:Census, Marriages
Title:Irish Genealogical Research Society
Description:Irish Genealogical Research Society - dedicated to the study of Irish Genealogy since 1936
Extra Info:Includes Drumcondra/Loughbrackan, 1871 census fragment, Elphin Diocesan Census 1749 and The Irish in Spanish Archives, and the IGRS marriages database.
Classification:Baptisms, Births, Census, Deaths, Marriages, Monumental Inscriptions
Title:Irish Genealogy
Description:Irish Genealogy
Classification:Census, Marriages, Wills / Probate
Title:National Archives of Ireland
Link:National Archives of Ireland
Description:National Archives of Ireland - Searchable Databases
Extra Info:Includes searchable wills index. Also 1901 and 1911 census that have survived.
Classification:Baptisms, Births, Census, Deaths, Marriages, Monumental Inscriptions, Pedigrees, Wills / Probate
Title:Northern Ireland Data from Ancestry
Link:Northern Ireland Data from Ancestry
Description:Northern Ireland Data Collection from Ancestry
Extra Info:Includes 1766 Religious Census; 1841/1851 Census Abstracts (Northern Ireland); Irish Gravestone Inscriptions; Wills Indexes.
Title:Northern Ireland Family History Society
Description:Northern Ireland Family History Society Census Strays
Extra Info:Click on Resources. Has records covering All Irish Counties.
Classification:GRO BMD, Births, Census, Deaths, Marriages, National
Title:People Finder from
Link:People Finder from
Description:1861 Census, GRO BMD index 1837-2004, Electoral Rolls & Business Directories.
Classification:Baptisms, Census, Marriages, Parish Records
Title:The Fianna Study Group for Irish Genealogy
Description:The Fianna Study Group for Irish Genealogy
Title:Virtual Record Treasury of Ireland
Description:Virtual Record Treasury of Ireland - an all-island and international legacy for the Decade of Centenaries.
Extra Info:The Treasury re-imagines and reconstructs through digital technologies the Public Record Office of Ireland, a magnificent archive destroyed on 30th June 1922, in the opening engagement of the Civil War.
Classification:GRO BMD, Census, General, Monumental Inscriptions, Wills / Probate
Title:GENUKI Country Page for Ireland
Description:General Information for Ireland

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