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Websites for DNA Research and DNA Projects for Genealogy.

DNA Research

DNA Research is becoming an increasingly important part of genealogy. As the techniques used in DNA analysis develop the greater the benefit to genealogists it becomes.

Several types of DNA tests are available, each capable of revealing different aspects of your ancestry. In some cases you may find that other people with the same surname have registered a one-name study with a particular DNA testing company. In these cases you may find ready-made links into other branches of your family tree.

We recommend that you explore and learn all you can about DNA testing before adding this branch of research into your portfolio, and as always, the links are provided subject to our terms and conditions.

Many researchers are publishing details of their own DNA Projects on their websites. Links to these can be found further down this page.

Classification:DNA Research
Title:Ancestry DNA
Link:Ancestry DNA
Description:Ancestry DNA - explore your ethnic heritage, and possibly find new cousins along the way.
Classification:DNA Research
Title:Family Tree DNA - Genetic Genealogy Starts Here
Link:Family Tree DNA - Genetic Genealogy Starts Here
Description:DNA tests for : Male line, Female line, Family Finder and Combined Tests
Classification:DNA Research
Title:Living DNA
Link:Living DNA
Description:Find out where you really come from.
Extra Info:Living DNA is a personal DNA service, designed to help people understand more about themselves and where they came from in unparalleled detail.
Classification:DNA Research
Title:MyHeritage DNA testing
Link:MyHeritage DNA testing
Description:Uncover your ethnic origins and find new relatives with a simple DNA test.
Classification:DNA Research
Title:The Genealogist DNA
Link:The Genealogist DNA
Description:The Genealogist DNA
Extra Info:Test all the avenues or pick the test that's right for you, with access to the most advanced paternal, maternal and ethnicity tests.
Classification:DNA Research
Title:23andMe - Genetic Testing for Ancestry; DNA Test
Link:23andMe - Genetic Testing for Ancestry; DNA Test
Description:Discover your ancestral origins and lineage with a personalized analysis of your DNA.
Extra Info:Learn what percent of your DNA is from populations around the world. Contact relatives across continents or across the street. Build your family tree and enhance your experience with relatives.
Classification:DNA Research
Title:A Y and mitochondrial DNA Database
Description:A Y and mitochondrial DNA Database
Extra Info:A website for uploading Y-DNA and mitochondrial DNA to create a YDNA and mitochondrial DNA database.
Classification:DNA Research, National
Description:Where the Middle Ages begin.
Extra Info:Includes the largest-ever study of Viking genetics
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DNA Projects

The following links are to websites that include information specific to one DNA Project usually covering either just one name, or a single geographical area.

Classification:Baptisms, Births, Burials / Cremations, Census, Deaths, DNA Project, Marriages, Monumental Inscriptions, One Name Study, Parish Records, Wills / Probate
Title:AUDLEY Family History
Description:AUDLEY Family History
Extra Info:Research for the name AUDLEY and variants such as AIDLEY.
Classification:DNA Project, Monumental Inscriptions, One Name Study
Title:AUTY One-Name Study Database
Description:AUTY One-Name Study
Extra Info:Researching AUTY, AWTY, AUTIE, AUGHTY, OTTY and variants
Classification:Baptisms, Burials / Cremations, Census, DNA Project, Obituaries, One Name Study, Wills / Probate
Title:BETTAN(E)Y One Name Study
Description:BETTAN(E)Y One Name Study
Classification:DNA Project
Title:British Isles DNA Project
Description:British Isles DNA Project
Extra Info:The British Isles DNA Project is a dual (Y-DNA and mtDNA) project that is open to persons with a documented direct paternal or maternal lineage originating in the British Isles.
Classification:DNA Project, One Name Study
Title:CREER from the Isle of Man DNA Surname Study
Description:CREER from the Isle of Man DNA Surname Study
Extra Info:This website has been established to support and promote a new science-based genealogical study to learn more about the history of the Creer family of the Isle of Man, by employing the new techniques of DNA analysis.
Classification:DNA Project
Title:Dalton International DNA Project (DIDP)
Description:The DALTON Genealogical Society's Y-DNA project.
Classification:Baptisms, Births, Deaths, DNA Project, Marriages, One Name Study
Title:HORSMAN & HORSEMAN One Name Study
Description:A One Name Study of Horsman, Horsman and Horsaman families
Classification:DNA Project
Title:Manx Y-DNA project
Description:Manx Y-DNA project
Classification:Births, DNA Project, Marriages, One Name Study
Title:MICKLETHWAITE One Name Study
Description:Micklethwaites The Name, The Places, The Branches
Classification:DNA Project
Title:My True Ancestry
Description:Discover your ancient past : My True Ancestry
Extra Info: Discover your ancient relatives by comparing yourself to thousands of ancient samples from real archaeological sites.
Classification:DNA Project
Title:SABEY SABY SABIE One-Name Study DNA Project
Description:The surnames in this Y-DNA Project are researched as part of the Sabey one-name study.
Classification:DNA Project
Title:The International Society of Genetic Genealogy
Description:An international society founded to promote the use of DNA testing in genealogy
Extra Info:The mission of the International Society of Genetic Genealogy is to advocate for and educate about the use of genetics as a tool for genealogical research, and promote a supportive network for genetic genealogists.
Classification:DNA Project
Title:UlsterHeritage DNA Project
Description:UlsterHeritage DNA Project

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